✧ a b o u t ✧
Please, just call me Bibi!
I'm an illustrator / merchandise artist who enjoys drawing sincere moments of my favorite characters.My favorite colors are yellow, various shades of green, and black!
✧ m e r c h a n d i s e ✧
✧ c o n v e n t i o n s✧
Date | Event |
May 23-26 | FANIME - San Jose |
June 20-22 | OFFKAI EXPO - San Jose |
* I may not be there in person for every event listed
✧ c o m m i s s i o n s ✧
Contact me anytime for commercial work inquiries.Occasionally, I may announce availability for doodles/personal commissions on SNS.
Below are my starting prices. They come with digital commercial use and may increase depending on complexity and usage.Chibis $90 USD
Portraits + simple bg $200 USD
Fully rendered scene $400 USD
✧ c m _ q u e u e ✧
Name | Type | Paid | Progress | Due |
pyon | color jitter | - | - | - |
han | color jitter | Y | - | - |
✧ p e r s o n a l ✧
Project | Due |
- | - |
✧ t e r m s & u s a g e ✧
Can't share process/stream +30% of total priceRUSH FEES
Less than 1month +25% of total price
Less than 2weeks +50% of total priceUSAGE-Personal use can ONLY be used for icon/headers+ %75 Commercial license (digital)+ %150 Printing commercial license (physical)-If the artwork will be used for promotion of any kind, (ie. Youtube/Twitch/Discord emotes/assets, using the art on SNS/websites, or printed quantities over 25) it will be considered commercial use.PROCESS & DELIVERY-Any revisions or alterations at the preview sketch stage must be stated all at once. Clients have 2 "rounds" for listing out changes requested. Any further revisions may incur an additional charge.-You'll get a last chance to request minor changes before final delivery of work.CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS-If unable to complete your commission within 3 months, or before the deadline agreed upon, you may ask for a cancellation of your order and a full refund. If a refund is processed, you will not receive any artwork and any work in progress screenshots will be discarded.-If rush order commissions are not completed by deadline, you can ask for a refund for the rush fee and still receive your artwork.-I do not accept cancellations or refunds outside of these situationsLAST UPDATED JUNE 8TH, 2024
✧ c o n t a c t ✧
By contacting me for a commission you are agreeing to the terms of service and usageIf I don't respond within 24 hours feel free to contact me anywhere else!Your preferred name: ___
Usage: (personal/digital commercial/physical commercial)
Reference(s): ___
Expression.pose: ___
Extra notes: ___
✧ m e r c h a n d i s e ✧
✧ c u s t o m _ m e r c h ✧
I have over 5 years of experience working with manufacturers and suppliers to make my art work come to life on acrylic keychains, acrylic standees, vinyl stickers, small prints, posters, throw pillows, and small plushies. I'm open to looking into sourcing other items as well.If you're a small creator looking to create custom merchandise to sell to fans, I am available for projects! I can just provide you artwork, provide assistance with setting up shop/shipping, or handle distribution.

✧ h o r i z o n ' s _ g u e s t ✧
You'll usually find me drawing, doodling, chatting, and just being silly. I also do recaps on anime conventions I attend, do handcam merch hauls, and like to play rpg, simulation, and rhyhtm games!I love to banter and bully chat (affectionately).
/ l i v e /tuesdays & thursdays
8pm central18+ only
#byebiFART :: fanart tag

monochrome chronic
on, off panic
today, i'll
eat the toxicyour blood can't stay
let my air decay
bring a bouquet"black or white?", ask the cosmic
colors they can't seem to picktime ticks away
the water at my ankles glisten
and comforts my stay
Interdum lacinia
Aliquam ante
Nullam et orci eu lorem consequat tincidunt vivamus et sagittis libero. Mauris aliquet magna magna sed nunc rhoncus pharetra. Pellentesque condimentum sem. In efficitur ligula tate urna. Maecenas laoreet massa vel lacinia.
Sed ornare
Lorem aenean
Etiam tristique libero eu nibh porttitor fermentum. Nullam venenatis erat id vehicula viverra. Nunc ultrices eros ut ultricies condimentum. Mauris risus lacus, blandit sit amet venenatis non, bibendum vitae dolor. Nunc lorem in aliquam.
Thank you
Tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare at ultrices tempus imperdiet nulla. Aliquam sem tortor consequat feugiat sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper.